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Andor Szabados 

Personally, I got close to animals at a very young age. My grandparents were living from farming so every time when we arrived to their place my first thing was to say hello to the pigs, ducks, and chickens. My parents usually warned me that it is time to go into the house and spend some time with the family not just with the animals. On my way into the house I just stopped to spoil the dog and cats a little bit more, and then I hugged my family members like nothing happened. 


Szabados Andor, bengáli macska tenyésztő

Few years later when we bought two horses my feelings for animals were getting more and more intense. For today we have nearly 10 horses (Hucul) and a lot of domesticated animals around the house. The horses were trained all by me at a high level so they are able to make 30-70kms rides daily. With Vivien our favorite hobbies are observing the animals, care about them and find the best breeding matches. We met at the University of West Hungary where we are successful students of the Animal Husbandry Engineer MSc faculty.

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